Monday, July 22, 2013

MInnPost article on the mayoral race

Using the rhetorical device of bouncing around an argument about what progressive means, MinnPost came out with a rather bland and anodyne article about a few of the candidates. Frankly, it was a bit irritating to read, especially the way they "introduced" some of the minor candidates without introducing them at all. For instance, Dan Cohen has his two short paragraphs, in which they never even say he is running for mayor, interrupted by a headline "sound bite" that says 'A Liberal on Steroids?' and a picture of the sole Republican candidate, Cam Winton. I had to read it three times to sort it out. Oh, and the first paragraph is introduced with name-dropping Gary Schiff, who is not even in the race. And they left out the only candidate who could possibly come up with authentic "progressive" credentials, Doug Mann. He put his statement, which perforce comes off as a bit of well-deserved rebuke, in the comments.

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